Identifying Corridors Among Large Protected Areas in the United States

To identify which land units are most important for sustaining structural connectivity, authors used the composite map of corridors to evaluate connectivity priorities in two ways: 1) among land units outside of the pool of large core protected areas and;  2) among units administratively protected as Inventoried Roadless Areas (IRAs) or Wilderness Study Areas (WSAs).

Large Landscape Conservation: Addressing the Realities of Scale and Complexity

This article discusses that the imperative to conserve large or complex systems requires the social pre-conditions be established to develop trust and common ground to maintain conservation and science at scales directly relevant to the systems in question. A coupling of locally based approaches, in a networked framework across vast ecosystems, not only influence conservation,

New Policies With the Potential to Improve Wildlife Corridors and Ecological Connectivity

This report is a compilation of federal and state policies that have direct or indirect implications for wildlife corridors and ecological connectivity conservation. It provides a broad set of policy-setting activities, such as legislation, executive orders, secretarial orders, strategies, and memoranda, by the executive or legislative branches of state or federal governments.

Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act & Moving Ahead For Progress In The 21st Century (MAP-21) Synopsis of Wildlife Provisions

A brief analysis of wildlife corridor protections in two federal transportation laws. A watershed event, MAP-21 is the first national transportation law to weave throughout its programs authority for state, federal and tribal managers, and researchers to reduce the number of motorist collisions with wildlife and improve connectivity among habitats disrupted by roads. These provisions

Integrated Adaptive Design for Wildlife Movement Under Climate Change

This paper argues that proactive, anticipatory planning and evidence-based, integrated highway-impact mitigation strategies are needed. Specifically, wildlife-crossing infrastructure should emphasize an integrated and adaptive approach to constructing innovative, modular, and potentially moveable structures that can be transferred from one location to another as monitoring of habitats and wildlife needs indicate.

Development of Sustainable Strategies Supporting Transportation Planning and Conservation Priorities across the West

Recognizing the transportation sector as an important end-user of the regional and state-level CHATs, WGA and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) entered into an agreement in 2013 to identify opportunities to increase the use of CHATs, and other state and regional digital wildlife information, in transportation planning and project implementation. This report is the culmination

Highway Mitigation for Wildlife in Northwest Montana

This report investigates the potential impacts of future housing development, in the Flathead and Lincoln counties of Montana, on traffic to determine where increased traffic from housing development will impact habitat connectivity for large carnivores.

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