Report: Connectivity Conservation Workshop – Guiding the Carpathian Region

From 4-7 November 2019, over 50 scientists, conservation experts, natural resource managers, and policymakers from 13 countries gathered in Poiana Brasov to advance the practice of connectivity conservation in Romania and the wider Carpathian Mountains; one of Europe’s most biodiverse and intact ecosystems. Convened under the leadership of the BearConnect Project Research Consortium, the Center

Ecological and Sociopolitical Assessment of Congressional and Presidential Designation of Federal Protected Areas

Protected areas are one of the most effective means by which biodiversity is conserved, but are often criticized for either neglecting the importance of local communities or sacrificing conservation objectives for political expedience. In this study, we compared U.S. protected areas resulting from congressional designation vs. presidential designation with respect to their ecological context (using

Thirty Years of Connectivity Conservation Planning: An Assessment of Factors Influencing Plan Implementation

This study is the first systematic, evidence-based assessment of whether connectivity conservation plans (CCPs) result in conservation outcomes and what attributes of plans favor successful implementation. By gathering CCPs from around the world, characterizing attributes by surveying and conducting interviews with plan authors, analyses suggest that implementation of a CCP was enhanced by several tools,

Wildlife Corridors Conservation Act Information Packet

A description of the main provisions of the Wildlife Corridors Conservation Act, accompanied by case studies of how the legislation would benefit several key species (including Florida panthers, pronghorn, monarch butterflies, and grizzly bears).

Summary of Corridors Proposed by States under Secretarial Order 3362: Improving Habitat Quality in Western Big-Game Winter Range and Migration Corridors

Roads were mentioned in all State Action Plans as being major barriers to wildlife movement in focal areas. Some states reported specific locations for potential crossing structures or other mitigation projects, while others mentioned roads more generally. This brief created a map that shows the general locations of the priority areas put forward by states.

Blackfeet Climate Adaptation Plan

This plan is the result of the unique holistic Blackfeet Nation planning process that includes all parts of tribal government, while respectfully considering traditional values and a collective community vision for the future. The resulting plan will lead the way for communities looking to integrate climate adaptation planning into human health and resource management.

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