Anthony Clevenger

Transportation Ecologist Building a Foundation for Linear Infrastructure Safeguards in Asia Lead Coordinator IUCN WCPA-CCSG Latin American and Caribbean Transport Working Group Harvie Heights, Canada

Amrita Neelakantan

Lead Policy Coordinator Building a Foundation for Linear Infrastructure Safeguards in Asia Coordinator Network for Conserving Central India Gurugram, India

Partner Spotlight: Termaine Edmo

In our second installment of our Native American Heritage Month Partner Spotlight series, we sat down with Termaine Edmo, the Climate Change Coordinator for the Blackfeet Tribe, to discuss her journey to climate resilience work and her goals for the Blackfeet Nation. When asked what brought her to the field of water quality and climate adaptation, Termaine noted that it all began with a gardening club.

Elizabeth Wong

Head of Philanthropic Advisory Services, Foundation Source Seattle, Washington

Recent Progress on Wildlife Corridor and Ecological Connectivity Policy in the United States

Summarizes the increasing attention state and federal policy makers have given to the importance of maintaining ecological connectivity. It includes policy initiatives, memoranda, orders, plans, strategies and other administrative avenues of promoting the conservation of wildlife corridors. In addition to administrative efforts, it includes state and federal legislative efforts, both bills that were introduced and

Conserving an Intact and Enduring Appalachian Landscape

This report contains the collaborative, strategic vision for safeguarding and conserving the Appalachian Landscape, a globally significant region that faces pressing threats from climate change and increasing human development. As a result of a Climate Advisory Group (CAG) in 2021, conservation and environmental experts gathered to assess the Landscape’s current conservation status and establish realistic

2021 Annual Report: Celebrating 10 Years of Connecting People & Landscapes

We are pleased to announce the release of our 2021 Annual Report and are proud to share with you a few of our noteworthy accomplishments from the past year. From on-the-ground projects and cutting-edge research to our influence on state, national, and international conservation policy, these are efforts that you—our community of supporters—helped make possible. In addition, we celebrate the ways in which we have successfully connected people and landscapes in the last ten years since becoming an independent nonprofit organization.

Partnership Spotlight: Wildlife Connect

Wildlife Connect is an exciting new initiative of WWF International, and the Center for Large Landscape Conservation is advising on its development. The partnership aims to create ecologically connected and thus climate-resilient landscapes throughout WWF’s conservation work with a focus on three important and vulnerable landscapes on three continents.

David Theobald

Senior Conservation Scientist Measuring connectivity of global protected areas IUCN WCPA Connectivity Conservation Specialist Group Conservation Planning Technologies Fort Collins, Colorado  

Gary Tabor

As Founder and CEO, Gary guides the Center with a vision grounded in science and practice, drawing upon more than 30 years of experience working on behalf of large-scale conservation efforts in Africa, South America, Australia, and Canada, and 12 years within the U.S. environmental philanthropic community.  Gary’s conservation achievements include the establishment of Kibale

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