Introduction to Connectivity #3

This infographic defines many of the terms used when talking about ecological corridors, and uses an aerial-view graphic of a corridor project to help illustrate them.

Introduction to Connectivity #4

In the same ways that linkages support species of concern, they may also increase the movement of unwanted species. This infographic explores this area of research on ecological corridors.

The Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative Strategic Conservation Framework

This strategic conservation framework is intended to articulate the rationale, approach, and priorities for the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GNLCC) that reflects the unique geography and regional natural resource issues. The information presented in this document is summarized from background research on existing landscape initiatives (place-, issue-, or species-based) and other regionally summarized ecological

Climate Change, Wine and Conservation

Shifting patterns of agricultural production in response to climate change has received little attention as a potential impact pathway for ecosystems. This article demonstrates that on a global scale, the impacts of climate change on viticultural suitability are substantial, leading to possible conservation conflicts in land use and freshwater ecosystems.

US – Canada Transboundary and Indigenous-led Conservation of Nature and Culture

This publication contains priority recommendations for effectively and respectfully conserving the terrestrial boundary between the US and Canada based on a series of four virtual Dialogue events held in 2021 with representatives from institutions and communities working near or across the boundary. The three transboundary conservation recommendations include: committing to a formal ethical agreement to

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