Land Use-Induced Spillover: Priority Actions for Protected and Conserved Area Managers

“Land use-induced spillover: priority actions for protected and conserved area managers” was published in IUCN’s PARKS: The International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation Special Issue on Protected Areas and COVID-19. The authors recommend ten practices to reduce the risk of future pandemics through protected and conserved area management. PARKS Journal

Protected Planet Report: 7.84% of Land is Protected and Connected

Protected lands and freshwaters cover approximately a sixth of the world’s surface according to the new Protected Planet Report 2020. This online publication provides insights on the status of global progress toward achieving the goal of protecting at least 17% of land by 2020. It also highlights opportunities for goals and actions toward halting and reversing the biodiversity crisis before 2050. The Center is proud to have contributed to this leading global assessment on the state of protected and conserved areas around the world.

Room to Roam: Connecting Data and People to Protect Wildlife Migrations

In an era where climate change, habitat loss, poaching and other human impacts put many species at risk, there is a need to understand where animals go and what they need to thrive. A new NASA-funded project—Room to Roam: Y2Y Wildlife Movements (Room2Roam)—aims to accelerate data analysis and coordination to improve wildlife management efforts across borders. The ambitious effort includes a regional network of partners in a major migration corridor of western North America.

Landmark Legislation to Protect Wildlife Corridors Passes U.S. House of Representatives

Marking a significant step for wildlife conservation, the Wildlife Corridors Conservation Act along with $400 million for projects to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions, passed the United States House of Representatives as part of H.R. 3684, the INVEST in America Act. These important provisions will safeguard biodiversity while helping stimulate the U.S. economy, mitigate climate impacts, and reduce highway fatalities.

Toward Best Management Practices for Ecological Corridors

Ecological corridors are one of the best, and possibly only viable, management tools to maintain biodiversity at large scales and to allow species, and ecological processes, to track climate change. This document has been assembled as a summary of the best available information about managing these systems, with an aim to provide managers with a

Advancing Connectivity Conservation at the Africa Protected Areas Congress

History was made this past summer at the first-ever Africa-wide gathering to discuss the role of protected areas in conserving nature. Hosted in the city of Kigali, Rwanda, the 1st IUCN Africa Protected Areas Congress (APAC) brought together 2,400 participants from across the continent and the world from July 18-23, 2022, under the theme “For People and Nature.” Staff from the Center for Large Landscape Conservation and partners were present in Kigali to highlight the contribution that connectivity conservation is already making, and can make in the future, toward bolstering conservation actions in Africa.

Assessment of Wildlife and Protected Areas of Turkmenistan 2023

This report was prepared in the frame of multiple projects taking place in Turkmenistan with the participation of international experts and staff of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan. It discusses monitoring and conservation activities carried out throughout 2023 in different areas across the country. A primary focus is on Persian leopard, their prey,

Ecological and Sociopolitical Assessment of Congressional and Presidential Designation of Federal Protected Areas

Protected areas are one of the most effective means by which biodiversity is conserved, but are often criticized for either neglecting the importance of local communities or sacrificing conservation objectives for political expedience. In this study, we compared U.S. protected areas resulting from congressional designation vs. presidential designation with respect to their ecological context (using

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