US Biosphere Network Selects New Leadership
On June 7, 2023, the US Biosphere Network (USBN) selected seven leaders to guide the network for the next three years. The new USBN Steering Committee members assuming office in September are Jon W. Allan, Chair (University of Michigan, School for Environment and Sustainability; Obtawaing Biosphere Region), Kelly Cerialo, Vice-Chair for Operations (Paul Smith College; Champlain-Adirondack Biosphere Network), Melissa Bade, Vice-Chair for Planning (CDR Associates), Samuel Cuthell, founder of the USBN Youth Board of Directors (Golden Gate Biosphere Network), and Deb Davidson (Center for Large Landscape Conservation). Brian Houseal (Chair Emeritus) and Cliff McCreedy (National Park Service – Federal Liaison) will continue serving on the committee.