Annika Keeley

At the Center, Annika provides science leadership and advises on connectivity projects and programs across the organization. She works with the management team to guide the Center’s science strategy. Annika has a broad background in ecology and conservation biology and has focused on ecological connectivity in her studies and work. She has contributed papers on

Kylie Paul

Kylie works at the Center as a road ecologist, advancing the development and implementation of wildlife friendly transportation policies and projects in international, federal, state, tribal, and local contexts. She brings 15 years of diverse science and conservation experience to the Center. She’s worked on road ecology and habitat connectivity since 2005 when she initiated

Amrita Neelakantan

As a Conservation Scientist at the Center, Amrita leads projects across Asia and Africa that assess capacity to reconcile development and conservation goals in some of the most fragile landscapes on the planet – with vulnerable peoples living in and around the last refuges for endangered wildlife. Amrita brings over fifteen years of experience in

Barbara Lausche

Conservation Law and Policy Fellow Chair IUCN WCPA-CCSG Marine Connectivity Working Group Director Marine Policy Institute, Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium Sarasota, Florida

Amrita Neelakantan

Lead Policy Coordinator Building a Foundation for Linear Infrastructure Safeguards in Asia Coordinator Network for Conserving Central India Gurugram, India

Anthony Clevenger

Transportation Ecologist Building a Foundation for Linear Infrastructure Safeguards in Asia Lead Coordinator IUCN WCPA-CCSG Latin American and Caribbean Transport Working Group Harvie Heights, Canada

Tatjana Rosen

Conservation Science Fellow for Central Asia Conservation Adviser Caucasus Nature Fund Technical Adviser UNEP Vanishing Treasures Project

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