USBN Unveils New Logo

We are thrilled to showcase our new USBN logo in this newsletter. The logo is a big step forward in creating a unified USBN presence both online and in print. 

Many thanks to Westerly Creative Studio for their thoughtful design work and collaboration with the USBN Steering Committee and Communications Committee in creating this logo with symbolism representing the various facets of our work.

Internship Grants Strengthen Capacity of Biosphere Regions

In April, the Commission for Environmental Cooperation awarded a grant to the USBN fiscal sponsor, Center for Large Landscape Conservation for a transboundary internship project to strengthen collaborations and exchanges between Canadian and U.S. biosphere regions. The funded project, in coordination with the Canadian Biosphere Reserve Association and the USBN, will provide stipends to four interns selected from Indigenous and local rural communities within four biosphere regions.

Obtawaing Unites People and Places in Northern Michigan

International recognition and local engagement is giving voice to people and organizations on a new landscape in the Obtawaing Biosphere Region (OBR). In late 2021, the international Man and the Biosphere Program accepted the OBR’s request for a new name (formerly University of Michigan Biological Station) and expanded boundary. The OBR now includes portions of Michigan’s northern Lower Peninsula and eastern Upper Peninsula at the confluence of Lakes Michigan, Huron and Superior. 

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