Building a Foundation for Linear Infrastructure Safeguards in Asia

Final report for the LISA Project, funded by USAID, which seeks to understand the challenges and barriers that slow the adoption and implementation of safeguards that protect Asia’s diverse wildlife species and their critical habitats from the region’s rapidly expanding linear infrastructure.

Pathways towards people-oriented conservation in a human-dominated landscape

Landscape-level conservation that maintains biodiversity and livelihoods for local people requires long-term collaborations across local communities, scientists, practitioners and decision-makers. The Network for Conserving Central India (NCCI) provides a platform for such collaborations in a globally important tiger conservation region within a complex social-ecological system. Using the NCCI as an example, the study identifies indicators

Introduction to Connectivity #4

In the same ways that linkages support species of concern, they may also increase the movement of unwanted species. This infographic explores this area of research on ecological corridors.

Introduction to Connectivity #3

This infographic defines many of the terms used when talking about ecological corridors, and uses an aerial-view graphic of a corridor project to help illustrate them.

Connectivity and Climate Change Toolkit

The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies developed this toolkit focused on climate-informed landscape connectivity. The purpose is to provide state fish and wildlife agency planners and managers with the information necessary to ensure climate considerations are being accounted for and incorporated in the planning and implementation of terrestrial and aquatic connectivity initiatives.

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