The Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative Strategic Conservation Framework

This strategic conservation framework is intended to articulate the rationale, approach, and priorities for the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GNLCC) that reflects the unique geography and regional natural resource issues. The information presented in this document is summarized from background research on existing landscape initiatives (place-, issue-, or species-based) and other regionally summarized ecological

The Obama Administration’s Progress on Federal Policies for Wildlife Corridor and Ecological Connectivity Conservation: January 2009 through December 2012

This briefing summarizes policies that the Obama administration has completed to increase attention to conserving ecological connectivity in his first term in office. It includes policy initiatives, memoranda, orders, plans, strategies and other administrative avenues of promoting the conservation of both structural and functional connectivity. The focus of this summary is on administrative policy, it

Recent Progress on Wildlife Corridor and Ecological Connectivity Policy in the United States

Summarizes the increasing attention state and federal policy makers have given to the importance of maintaining ecological connectivity. It includes policy initiatives, memoranda, orders, plans, strategies and other administrative avenues of promoting the conservation of wildlife corridors. In addition to administrative efforts, it includes state and federal legislative efforts, both bills that were introduced and

Remarkable Beyond Borders: People and Landscapes in the Crown of the Continent

Potential pathways to shape the future of the Crown of the Continent—a remarkable region shared by Canada, the United States, First Nations, Native American tribes, and diverse communities and stakeholder groups. The Crown has long inspired action by committed individuals and forward-looking organizations, whose good work provides a solid foundation for shaping a future based

Large Landscape Conservation: A Strategic Framework for Policy and Action

Convened by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Policy at The University of Montana, the dialogue participants sought to synthesize what we know about large landscape conservation and to identify the most important needs as we move forward. They also generated and provide a link to a

Cost–Benefit Analyses of Mitigation Measures Aimed at Reducing Collisions with Large Ungulates in the United States and Canada: A Decision Support Tool

Wildlife-vehicle collisions, especially with deer, elk, and moose are numerous and have shown an increasing trend over the last several decades in the United States and Canada. This provides in depth cost-benefit analysis of wildlife-vehicle collisions, introducing a valuable decision making tool for determining mitigation measures to reduce ungulate–vehicle collisions.

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