Wildlife Crossing Success Stories In The Western States

ARC Solutions (a fiscally sponsored project of the Center) worked with its partners and cooperating agencies to compile this series of stories to celebrate existing and planned wildlife crossing projects aimed at making our highways safer for both people and wildlife. Included are projects from 11 western states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New

Weaving the Strands Together

The purpose of this report is to illustrate through four case studies how values of diversity, equity, and inclusion have strengthened landscape conservation projects across the United States.

Gallatin County Growth Plan

Letter from the Center for Large Landscape Conservation to Gallatin County Commission, Planning Board, and Steering Committee to provide comments regarding the Envision Gallatin County (MT) Draft Growth Policy. The comments include recommendations regarding potential revisions to ensure that the best available scientific information, tools, and policies regarding ecological connectivity are fully integrated into the

Land Use-Induced Spillover: Priority Actions for Protected and Conserved Area Managers

“Land use-induced spillover: priority actions for protected and conserved area managers” was published in IUCN’s PARKS: The International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation Special Issue on Protected Areas and COVID-19. The authors recommend ten practices to reduce the risk of future pandemics through protected and conserved area management. PARKS Journal

Toward Best Management Practices for Ecological Corridors

Ecological corridors are one of the best, and possibly only viable, management tools to maintain biodiversity at large scales and to allow species, and ecological processes, to track climate change. This document has been assembled as a summary of the best available information about managing these systems, with an aim to provide managers with a

Frequently Asked Questions About Wildlife Crossings

ARC Solutions (a fiscally sponsored project of the Center) created this publication in Q&A format to answer the most common inquiries and misconceptions regarding wildlife-vehicle collisions and the proven success of wildlife crossing infrastructure in solving this ubiquitous problem.

U.S. Policies to Conserve Ecological Connectivity Since 2007

This paper is the third volume in a set of policy reviews that summarize all U.S. federal and state policies issued in support of ecological connectivity 2007-2019. In this volume, for the first time, we also include select county policies on connectivity from recent years.

INVEST Act Press Release

INVEST Act Press Release issued by Center for Large Landscape Conservation, Defenders of Wildlife, Endangered Species Coalition, Humane Society Legislative Fund, International Fund for Animal Welfare, National Parks Conservation Association, Wildlands Network, Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative.

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