Connectivity and Climate Change Toolkit

The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies developed this toolkit focused on climate-informed landscape connectivity. The purpose is to provide state fish and wildlife agency planners and managers with the information necessary to ensure climate considerations are being accounted for and incorporated in the planning and implementation of terrestrial and aquatic connectivity initiatives.

Lineamientos para la conservación de la conectividad a través de redes y corredores ecológicos (Spanish translation)

Estos Lineamientos de la CMAP de la UICN se basan en la mejor ciencia y práctica disponibles para mantener, mejorar y restaurar la conectividad ecológica entre áreas protegidas, otras medidas efectivas de conservación basadas en área (OMEC) y otros ecosistemas intactos. Por primera vez, esta publicación introduce una definición común y recomienda el reconocimiento formal

Blackfeet Vector-Borne Diseases and Climate Change Handout

Climate change is altering the geographic range of vectors, often expanding their range into new locations, and it is also expanding their seasonal ranges, lengthening the time of year that a vector can act to transmit infection. Expanded geographic and seasonal distributions will likely increase risk of disease exposure.

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