
You can play a vital role in solving our planet’s ecological crises

It takes all of us working together to solve our planet’s most urgent ecological crises. When you contribute to the Center for Large Landscape Conservation, your gift helps conserve and connect habitat at landscape scale – a proven approach to tackling the dual climate and biodiversity crises.

Your contribution advances effective, cutting-edge solutions to ensure landscape resilience, and allows the Center to address habitat fragmentation through a variety of science-backed approaches.

Here are 5 important ways to support our work:


Make a Gift:

Use our brief online donation form to enter your desired donation amount, email, and payment information. We’re also pleased to accept tribute and memorial gifts, allowing you to honor a loved one while making a meaningful impact.

Gifts may also be made by check. Please make your check payable to “Center for Large Landscape Conservation” and mail it to PO Box 1587, Bozeman, MT 59771. For electronic transfers, please reach out to Katie Pidgeon for bank information.

Become a Sustaining Donor:

Monthly donors provide vital, year-round funding, enabling the Center to plan ahead and respond more effectively to opportunities where our skills and expertise are most needed. To make a monthly gift, simply enter the amount on our online donation form and select “monthly” under “donation schedule.”

Give Stocks or Securities (must be DTC Eligible Securities):

The Center welcomes and appreciates gifts of stock and securities. Please reach out to Katie Pidgeon for more details on giving through stock donations.

Become a Corporate Partner: 

Whether through matching gift programs, direct support, or cross-promotional opportunities, corporate partners play an important role in protecting Earth’s most fragile ecosystems. Strategic partnerships with industry leaders amplify the reach of the Center’s vision, and help us extend our ability to conserve and reconnect key habitats. For more information on corporate partnerships, please contact Megan Webb.

Establish a Legacy Through a Planned Gift:

Planned gifts leave a lasting legacy and ensure our planet’s landscapes, wildlife, and human communities are protected long into the future. Planned giving can take on many shapes and sizes, including bequests, donations of property, or setting up a beneficiary designation. If you wish to discuss further details and options, or if you already have a plan in place, please let us know by contacting Michael Wainwright.


The Center for Large Landscape Conservation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Federal Tax ID# 27-1226829.

If you have additional questions about supporting the Center or getting involved in our efforts, we’d love to connect! Please contact  Michael Wainwright, Individual Giving Director, for further information.

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